For this assignment, we needed to install GIMP. For GIMP, I went through LEARN GIMP IN 30 MINUTES | Complete Tutorial for Beginners

Autodesk Fusion 360

For this assignment, we needed to installAutodesk Fusion 360 from the official website. After I downloaded it, I installed it accordingly with my school details. For this, I went through Navigating the Fusion 360 User Interface (sections explained) - REVISED 2019 to understand how to use it. Below are the worked solutions for Exercise 1, 2 and 3.

Below are 2 worked designs, namely the Name Tag and Fidget Spinner/Dice:

This name tag was created for my key chain. It was done using sketches with shapes in Create: Rectangle (for the base), Circle (for the extra design and the key chain hole, Arc with 3 points (to create curves that creates partial circles). The following the personalised key tag dimensions but with an extra design at the key chain hole. Once the design is sketched, the keychain is extruded using the extrusion tool to 3mm thickness. The keychain is then sketched on again with a smaller rectangle to create a parameter for the name that will be laser cut. This part is extruded in a negative thickness of 2mm as to create a "hole". The name is added with the text feature in Create with a centred alignment of 9.5mm text. This was initially 11mm but it went out of the parameters thus the size was reduced. Once the second sketch is done, the text is extruded 2mm to be on the same level as the rest of the name tag.

We were tasked to create either a fidget spinner or dice and I decided to do the dice. For this, I created a simple sketch of a square and extrude it to the same dimension. That way i get a cube that i can create sketches on. I then proceeded to create another sketch on the side for a smaller square to create a parameter for the number that i will add in to all sides. Once done, I added the numbers using the text function in "Create" and extruded the numbers. I then proceeded to fillet the sides so the edges would not be sharp.