
For version control, firstly, we have to use Github. Github Desktop is to be downloaded and installed. Afterwards, I looked through Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners This helps me to get a grasp on how to use Github as a first time user. I followed the tutorial as per the video and created a new repository and renamed it to shazajannah-EP1000. Afterwards I uploaded my index HTML and style CSS so the website can identify the main branch. This is as shown below. The rest of the HTMLs may be uploaded later.

After uploading my index and CSS file, I then proceeded to publish the webpage. First, I went to settings and scrolled to the "Github Pages" section. Afterwards I selected as below picture and saved it. This will save my HTML as a website. This link may be shared with others and they can see my website.

The website may be accessed now. However, as I have not uploaded the other pages, the hyperlink in the Navigation cannot be accessed, directing to an error page. Thus, I need to upload my other pages, as well as my images the same way I uploaded the index and CSS file. Once uploaded, I wait for a few minutes and the website will then be updated. Therefore, I can access the Navigation Page hyperlinks.